Marina O’Donovan2023-11-09T20:22:47+00:00

Marina O’Donovan
Finance Associate

“A party without cake is really just a meeting.”

– Julia Child

Marina started with Stop at Nothing in June of 2023, and brings a lifelong passion for finance to her role as Finance Associate. Contrary to her initial college plans, Marina found herself gravitating toward roles that were centered around numbers— a clear indicator of her inherent talent for financial management.

Her career has always seemed to align with finance, and she finds joy in the clear-cut nature of numbers. For Marina, there’s a certain satisfaction in ensuring the figures line up perfectly, and if they don’t, she’s determined to solve the puzzle.

Following a fulfilling period as a stay-at-home mom, Marina felt the pull to return to her professional pursuits.

She discovered Stop at Nothing and was immediately drawn to our belief that “that human beings are the most valuable asset of any company.” A principle that resonated deeply with her and affirmed her decision to resume her career here.

In her role, if you’ve ever inquired about an invoice or a payment, it’s likely Marina has been your knowledgeable point of contact. Her daily tasks involve management of account records, issuing invoices, and handling payments.

Beyond the numbers, Marina is a dedicated volunteer, frequently involved in her children’s school activities and local community projects. Her weekends are often spent on soccer fields, assuming roles from coach to team manager. In quieter moments, she indulges in crafting, from Cricut creations to baking. Baking has been one of Marina’s passions, often being the go-to for dessert with her crafting of numerous birthday cakes over the years.

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